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Inner Diva Revolution - Carla Detchon 2014


Inner Diva Revolution - Carla Detchon 2014
English + (23.mp3's, 1.html file set) + 338 MB


Inner Diva Revolution - Carla Detchon (23.mp3's, 1.html file set) 2014

Inner Diva Revolution
hosted by Carla Detchon

Heart-Centered Teachers. Powerful Healers. Spiritual Visionaries.

All Gathered for FREE to Help YOU Live from your TRUE ESSENCE.

Are you tired of stuffing down your TRUE EMOTIONS? Do you want to feel more
CONFIDENT, SELF LOVING and ACCEPTING of yourself? Do you long to CONNECT
to your HIGHER PURPOSE? Then you are definitely in the RIGHT PLACE -
Welcome to the Revolution, Sister!

Darling Diva!
Chances are if you've arrived here, you're SEEKING something. Perhaps you've been feeling disempowered and unfulfilled. Or you know you're not being PAID WHAT YOU'RE WORTH. Maybe you're LONGING for a BETTER LIFE for you and your family. Or perhaps your DEEPEST DESIRE is for a LOVING, HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP. No matter what it is that's calling you, I can tell you one, sure way to have it all-and that's to tune in and listen to the deep wisdom of your HIGHER SELF, your TRUE VOICE, your CORE ESSENCE-what I call your INNER DIVA.

Your First Step? Join our FREE Interactive Speaker Series.
On these calls, our amazing teachers, powerful healers and spiritual guides will help you:
? HEAL past trauma and connect to your INNATE HAPPINESS, JOY, LOVE and PROSPERITY
? SHIFT the BLOCKS keeping you from manifesting your DIVINE PURPOSE.
? EVOLVE the way you think and do things so you can tap into a HIGHER ENERGY FREQUENCY.
? Close the gap between where you are now and your UNLIMITED POTENTIAL.

Inner Diva Manifesto
Sweet Soul Sisters,
Your higher self called-she said it's time to wake up. Oh, I know you would prefer to hit the snooze button on your life just once more, but it's time to own that delicious, diva-ine, determined part of you that knows exactly how to rock your world. It's time to turn up your intuition so you can really listen to your powerful inner guidance. It's time to bring your spiritual gifts out to play and share them with others so we can all shine. It's time to build your self worth and self confidence so you can truly know and live your value. It's time to start manifesting the reason you came down to this world (oh yes, dear sister-you had a reason). It's time to rock your relationships and to raise conscious, awake, loving children. It's time to be healthy in all ways. It's time to put away your excuses and be heard and seen. It's time to raise your vibration, raise your consciousness, and while you're at it, why not go ahead and raise a little hell. The time of the wallflower is past, girlie girl. It's time to live from your essence, and your essence knows just how powerful you truly are, so why are you still pretending that you're not? It's time to play and grow and learn in a community of soul-centered sisters. It's time to learn how to deeply trust yourself, because when you can do that, you'll always have your back. After all, nobody is going to hand you the perfect life on a silver platter except you! Your revolution starts now-will you join it?


The Inner Diva Revolution Is for you IF...
? You're tired of feeling stuck, overwhelmed or unappreciated.
? You're fed up with playing the "Good Girl" and being treated like a doormat.
? You're sick of ignoring and stuffing down what's wrong in your life.
? You're ready to put away the excuses that keep you playing small.
? You're longing to connect to your deep, inner truth.
? You want to claim your brilliance, your power and your economic value.
? You're exhausted from doing it all on your own, and you're willing to ask for help.
Are you starting to feel your "Yes?" Then you're ready for your revolution!

How to Shift Everything - Powerfully, Quickly and Lovingly
How do I know THIS CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE? Because I'm living proof that it works. Over a decade ago, I was lying on my couch depressed and crying non-stop, knowing I needed to change everything, yet uncertain of how to make that shift. I was longing for a life partner but couldn't get a date to save my life. I knew on a core level that the work I was doing was empty and meaningless, but I didn't have any other options lined up. And while my job had been providing me with good money, I just couldn't make myself do it anymore, so I was facing a personal economic meltdown. But here's the thing-that mess of a mid-life crisis was THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME. Why? Because it led me on a spiritual journey where I learned to rely on my inner wisdom and guidance-the same kind of guidance that our speakers will help you to discover for yourself. And that's how I found the life and love I had been longing for.

Why a Revolution?
Because Changing Your Life Can Be A Revolutionary Act.
The dictionary describes a revolution as "a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something." You may be looking for this kind of change in your own life but have hit too many roadblocks, setbacks or detours to keep the search going. But let me ask you something...
How would your life be different if:
? You let your divine goddess self be your ultimate guide?
? Your bank account reflected your TRUE SELF WORTH?
? You knew deep inside that you're more than just your weight or your body image?
? You weren't sitting in the back seat of your life?
? You were truly seen and heard in a way that lets YOUR INNER RADIANCE shine?
? You were ENERGIZED and INSPIRED to leap out of bed every morning?

Can I Ask You to Trust Me for a Second?
I know you don't really know me yet, but I'd like you to trust me on something: You know that negative voice inside your head? The one that beats you up and says things like, "You can't do that," "You're not good enough," "Who do you think you are, missy" or any other combination of negative self talk? I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about. So here's the thing I'm going to ask you to trust me on: Those voices aren't doing anyone any service-especially you. I mean, if you're going to have voices in your head-and we all do-why not learn to REPLACE the NEGATIVE ones with positive, uplifting, inspiring voices? I'm talking about the voices of respected teachers, loving guides and powerful healers who have already expanded, already achieved, already accomplished what it is you are longing for? Doesn't that just make sense?

You Do Have a Choice Here.
Every day you make thousands of decision, and here's one that really matters. If you're not happy with your daily inner dialogue, then kick it out! Replace it with voices who teach LOVING KINDNESS, EXPANSION, how to live at a HIGHER VIBRATION, how to have HEALTHIER RELATIONSHIPS and how to be MORE ABUNDANT, HAPPY and HEALTHY.

Those Are the Kinds of Voices You'll Find on Inner Diva Revolution.
When you IMMERSE YOURSELF IN LOVING, POSITIVE, HEALING VOICES, you'll find that your own inner dialogue begins to shift, and you'll find yourself with a NEW LEVEL OF SELF LOVE AND INCREASED SELF RESPECT. And when that starts to happen-ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! I know that whenever women gather to speak their truth, listen to their bodies, invoke spirit and tell their stories, that not only do we heal our own wounds, we heal the wounds of the planet. And best of all, nobody has to do it alone. Join me, and let's get this revolution started so we can ALL SHINE.

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