Fantaisies Pour Couples (1977)
Directed by: Jean Desvilles as Georges Fleury
Stars: Catherine Ferré, Chantal Nora, Danièle Troeger, Dawn Cumming, Laurence Thibault
Language: French, English (2 tracks) | (Whenever there is 2 tracks in movie Vlc Media Player works best in choosing ur Preferred Audio Track)
Country: France | Egafd Info
Also known as: Frauen wollen Sex, Triebe bis zum letzten Tropfen, Sex games for couples
Description: Two couples are having affairs with each other’s spouses Eventually the two couples meet for a wife-swapping evening and discover they know each other already.
Jacques seduces his secretaries one after another while his wife Chantal lets herself get carried away by her friends in total liberation. They bump into each other at a very steamy party, and a new closeness reunites them from then on, they organize their own 'entertainment'.
Meet up with unforgettable Dawn Cumming in this little marvel of sexual frenzies that was warmly received at its debut in Paris on March 16th, 1977 in Alpha-France Cinemas.
Enjoy :cheers:
Directed by: Jean Desvilles as Georges Fleury
Stars: Catherine Ferré, Chantal Nora, Danièle Troeger, Dawn Cumming, Laurence Thibault
Language: French, English (2 tracks) | (Whenever there is 2 tracks in movie Vlc Media Player works best in choosing ur Preferred Audio Track)
Country: France | Egafd Info
Also known as: Frauen wollen Sex, Triebe bis zum letzten Tropfen, Sex games for couples
Description: Two couples are having affairs with each other’s spouses Eventually the two couples meet for a wife-swapping evening and discover they know each other already.
Jacques seduces his secretaries one after another while his wife Chantal lets herself get carried away by her friends in total liberation. They bump into each other at a very steamy party, and a new closeness reunites them from then on, they organize their own 'entertainment'.
Meet up with unforgettable Dawn Cumming in this little marvel of sexual frenzies that was warmly received at its debut in Paris on March 16th, 1977 in Alpha-France Cinemas.
Enjoy :cheers: