Paul James - Maps Mentor 2.0
English + MP4 + PDF + MP3 + 3.60 GB
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English + MP4 + PDF + MP3 + 3.60 GB
Maps Mentor 2.o isn't just a video course full of information, it's much more than that, it's a community of doers. Newbie Friendly Maps Mentor 2.0 is beginner friendly. NO experience? NO connections? NO Problem! Let me guide you step-by-step to your first client. Forced To Succeed This package is designed to FORCE you to succeed! I've included everything you need to explode your business. Monthly Recurring Revenue I teach Maps Mentor 2.0 students to charge MONTHLY fees for their service. If the client doesn't pay the phone stops ringing! I Did All The Work, So You Don't Have To! Take advantage of my 5 years of trial and error. Copy & Paste my funnels and use them for yourself! Doesn't it make sense to leverage other people's work to your gain? |
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