Bart Baggett Handwriting Analysis Certification Home Study Course
English + [15 MP4,31 MP3,2 PDF,4 PPS] + 2.21 GB
English + [15 MP4,31 MP3,2 PDF,4 PPS] + 2.21 GB
This course answers these questions: What are the 13 different meanings of the letter t? How can we tell someone's level of emotional expression by their writing? How do we measure slant? How do we "change" our bad traits? What are the 5 "trouble traits" in handwriting? What is the one letter which reveals a pathological liar? What single letter reveals the sex drive and intimacy issues? How do you analyze cursive and printing? How do you overcome self-sabotage or fear of success? And much, much, more. After years of assembly it's finally ready! For the first time ever, I'm showing students a step by step "never seen before" insider's guide where I reveal how I became one of America's highest paid handwriting experts and how you can do it, too. Finally you will be able to learn, without a doubt... 1. How To Use Your New Found Handwriting Analysis to earn between $100-$300 an Hour. 2. Teach handwriting analysis classes in your own home town using no fancy equipment and make instant profit of 400%. 3. How to Analyze Anyone Accurately in just minutes using my Fast and Accurate Handwriting Analysis System and Dramatically Improve All Your Business and Personal Relationships. 4. Use grapho-therapy to change your life and those around you in profound ways to achieve greater happiness and success. Quote: Dear Bart, I believe this is the start of a new life for me, and I have Handwriting University to thank for a jump-start in a good direction, after years of failure and poverty. This last month I made $500 (approx.) from starting a brand-new at home business. Because my business is growing by leaps and bounds, with very little effort, I am determined to make a lot more effort and kick it into high gear. I bought your course in September, 2004, and immediately saw some self-defeating behaviors and self-esteem issues that were holding me back. It has been a real struggle to raise that pesky T-bar, but I have kept at it. It was a lot easier to get rid of the wide t & d loops. I have made some other changes and have watched my personality change with my handwriting. As a result, I have become very confident, and positive-minded. I am becoming a 'people magnet.' They come up to me and want to get to know me. It seems as if everyone smiles at me now when I pass by. (Is it because I have a smile on my face all the time, and they are just reflecting that? I don't really know, but the change in me is very exciting. Some very successful people have said that if you want to change your life, you have to first change yourself. I find that grapho-therapy is a very helpful tool in our arsenal to effect that change. Bravo, Bart, for giving me this tool. Thank you. Sunny Meadows Gresham, Oregon Student of the Certification Level Home Study Course |