No offence to original auther
Shilpa was lying on the bed onher side, silent. Tears were falling from her eyes. Her husband roshan whostood beside bed was watching her in despair. He wanted to console her but knewthat she would not listen in this mood. He wished he could postpone his twomonth foreign assignment. This was great opportunity for him. Turning it downcould prove to be disadvantageous for his career in the company. He could notcompromise on his career. He had got this job after a lot of hard work. Now hehad had opportunity to move upward in the hierarchy of company. He must siegethis opportunity. All of those who had done foreign assignment had progressedin the company.
But how could he leave hisbeautiful wife behind. How could he deprive himself from her rosebuds likelips? He was crazy for her beauty. He considered himself lucky for marryingsuch a attractive woman. She was very shy but would respond silently when hetook her trembling lips between his. She would play with his lips hesitantly.Kissing was beautiful game between them. When roshan will move his hands tofondle her soft breasts she would resist at best. But once her soft melons gettrapped in his hands she will moan in ecstasy. oh god Ill miss her badly. He thought.
He climbed on the bed andslowly moved towards shilpa. Placed his hand on her shoulder and turned herover, facing him.
Stop crying my love. I know it will be difficult foryou here without me. You are new in this house and i am going to leave you herein my absence.
You realize this and still want to go. Shilpa saidsobbing.
Yes because I do not have any alternative. I have todo my job darling.
"i know but how can istay here in your absence. At least let me go to my parents." shilparequested.
"Are my parents not yourparents?"
"They are but I am new inthis house. I am still unaware of their likings and disliking. How will I managewhen you gone."
"i understand darling.But my parents want you to stay here with them. They love you honey. And itwouldn't be appropriate for you to stay with your parents for such a long time.You can go for a week or so but you have to stay here. And we have phones. Wewill be in touch. I will be away but always available to help you in need. Andit's matter of two months only. Please try to understand otherwise my careerwill suffer."
Shilpa pondered over it for aminute and then said, "Okay what will you get for me from abroad."
"You tell, what youwant?"
"Um anything you maylike."
"I will buy nice piece ofdesigner bra for your sexy boobs." roshan said cupping her tender breastsin his hands.
"Leave meno....aaahhh" shilpa said pushing his hands away.
But he again captured thethrobbing melons and started kneading them between his fingers.
"What are you doing, dooris" she said loudly.
But ignoring all protests, heinserted his right hand inside her blouse and started feeling her round soft melons. She was breathingheavily now. She had not expected this sudden attack. Effect was obvious onher. Her little pussy lips declared that they are ready to play the game. Shewas feeling wet down in there. Roshan was also feeling the heat. His member washard and solid inside his pants. Roshan reached down and pushed her saree alongwith petticoat upward till it was on her waist. He placed his fingers on thetender cunt, rubbing it gently. Moan of ecstasy escaped from the trembling lipsof shilpa. She tried to cover her naked pussy with both of her hands but Roshanpushed them away. "Not today. I am going today and i want to love you theway i like. Let me see what have you got between your legs."
Shilpa dropped her resistance.
"Oohhh so sweat."Roshan said glancing at the naked hairless, wet pussy of his beautiful wife.
Shilpa covered her facebetween her hands. She had never let him see her private parts so far. Buttoday in the day light she was exposed to his invading eyed. She was feelingembarrassed. But her body was betraying her. Her nipples were hard inexcitement and her pussy was wet in anticipation.
Roshan parted her legs wideand started unzipping his pants. Suddenly they heard footsteps outside theirroom. Shilpa immediately pushed Roshan away and rushed to the bathroom.
It was savitri devi, mother inlaw of shilpa. She had come to remind Roshan that he is getting late forairport. Shilpa came out from toilet after adjusting her hair and cloths andfound her sasu ma talking to roshan.
"sasu ma please take aseat." shilpa said.
Her Sasu ma sat down at thechair and said, "Packing is over?"
"Yes Saasu ma we did itin the morning itself." shilpa said.
"chhotu come overhere." sasu ma called facing the door. Chhotu was servent of the house. Hewas 18 years old. He lived in the small cottage at the back of the house. Hewas working in the family ever since he was 10.
"ji badi maalkin?"said chhotu entering in the room.
"Take this luggage andput them in the taxi." savitri devi said.
Chhotu picked the luggage andwent out of the room. Savitri devi followed chhotu and went out.
Roshan came closer to shilpaand embraced her tightly in his arms .Separation anxiety was written all overtheir faces.
"Take care honey."said roshan and placed his lips on hers.
"I will miss you reallybad." said shilpa.
" I know but dont worryit's matter of only two months."
They stepped out of the roomand proceeded on the stairs downward. In the drawing room along with father inlaw of shilpa pandit ji was sitting on the sofa.
didnt I tell you that youwill go abroad soon." pandit ji said. His name was mohan lal sharma. Hewas clerk in bank. He had deep interest in jyotishi. That is why people used toaddress him pandit ji. Once while seeing the hand of roshan he had pointed outthat he will go to foreign land soon.
Roshan took the blessings ofparents and pandit ji and proceeded to the taxi. Taxi took off to airport andeveryone returned to the drawing room. Shilpa was upset so she left for herbedroom.
Getting into the bedroom shestood silent beside her bed. She imagined how Roshan was loving her few minutesago on the same bed. Rememberingeverything in details her pussy lips got wet. Involuntarily her right hand wentdown between her thighs and caressed the pulsating flesh gently from over thesaree and fell on the bed. But very soon she pulled her hand away. Someone wason the door.
"Shilpa we are going tothe market. Chhotu is here if you need anything." said savitri devi.
"ji ma ji."
When savitri devi left theroom she again buried her hand between her thighs and started massaging burningflesh between her legs. Very soon she reached climax and fell into deep sleep.
In the absence of Roshan, daysseemed Very long to Shilpa. She killed her time watching TV, reading newspaperand magazines. She was seriously getting bored. There was nothing much to do athome. Her father in law shyam parsad gupta suggested that she could join theprivate school as a teacher if she liked. School was at the distance of 50 km.Principle was known to him and school was searching for a good English teacher.Shilpa was m.a English so was suitable for the job. But shilpa was undecided.She could never imagine herself as a teacher. And also she had to teach classfive students. Teaching that age group students is never easy. But she said shewill think about it.
Savitri devi too was concernedabout the loneliness of shilpa. She wanted to give some work to her but therewas nothing she could do.
One day savitri devi asked herto go to vegetable market to buy vegetables along with Chhotu. Usually sheaccompanied Chhotu to the market but that day she was not feeling well. Shilpa readily agreed. She thought it will dosome change to her daily routine.
Vegetable market was atwalking distance from house. Chhotu was carrying a cotton bag for vegetable. Hewas walking right behind her. Ever since chhoti maalkin came into house aftermarriage, for the first time he had got opportunity to be with her.He wasservent so he has to stay back a little from his chhoti maalkin who was walkingbriskly ahead of him.
Though he didn't intended so,his eyes suddenly moved on the back of his Chhoti maalkin. And what he observedwas enough to send electric spark throughout His body. Nice pair of solid bulgingbuttocks were bouncing up and down before his eyes with every forward step ofhis chhoti maalkin. He was trying hard to divert his attention away from thejiggling ass cheeks in front of him, but couldn't help beholding seductively shakingbuttocks of his chhoti maalkin. chhotu had seen back of many women but this onein front of him was different.
Chhotu i don't know muchabout buying Vegetable. You have to help me okay." Shilpa said turning herhead back.
Chhotu immediately pushed hisglare on the other side of the road. His heart was throbbing fast.
"ji Chhoti maalkin"he could only say this much. Did she see him staring at her back? Oh no whatwas he doing?. He should not look his chhoti maalkin in this way. He was servantof the house and should keep respectful behavior towards chhoti maalkin.
After about 15 minutes theywere in the market. It was crowded place. On the both sides of the road werestalls of Vegetable vendors. Men in the crowd were staring at the beautifulwoman who had just entered the market with a boy. Her beautiful face, bigbreasts and solid buttocks were main attraction for the probing eyes.
Shilpa was unaware of thelustful eyes in the crowd measuring her assets. It was her first visit to sucha crowded place. Chhotu was mute spectator waiting for chhoti maalkin to decidea stall for making purchase. She stopped in front of a stall selling potato andchhotu joined her. Vendor knew chhotu as he was regular visitor to the marketalong with savitri devi.
" price bhaiya?"shilpa asked Vendor (whose name was babulal) picking up one potato.
15 rupees kg madam."babulal replied, looking at her bulging breasts. He was trying to size them inhis imagination.
Shilpa who was ignorant aboutbabulal gazing her boobs, said, it is too much for this quality bhaiya."and then leaned towards chhotu and said slowly in his ear, " am i rightchhotu?"
"ji chhoti maalkin youare right. We can get such potato at 10 per kg elsewhere." chhotu saidloud enough so that babulal could also hear him.
Babulal grimaced and said, okaytake it at 10."
Babulal didn't want them toleave the shop. So he agreed at 10 quickly. He was totally lost in the beautyof this woman. He didn't get such opportunity every day. His tool was risingslowly in his pajama.he was searching opportunity to feel this beauty closely.Suddenly he got an idea. He left the stall in the care of his father anddisappeared in the crowd. Shilpa along with chhotu was busy in selectingpotatoes. Babulal was now on the road behind shilpa watching her back. He stoodsilent in the crowded road for a moment. It was not easy to get closer to sucha attractive woman. She could raise a alarm. he took a deep breath and decidedto implement his plan, come what may. He came forward and pressed himselfagainst the back of shilpa who was busy in picking potatoes and said to hisfather, "bapu give change of 100."
Shilpa took it as aunintentional act from the part of Babulal. It was such a crowded place afterall. She kept picking potatoes. But when she felt something hard pressingagainst the crack of her buttocks she panicked. She stopped picking potatoes.She wanted to move from that place. But she had no space to move to. However,she can't let this man behind her like this. His father was taking lot of timein providing change.
"bhaiya please...keep distance." said Shilpa to Babulal.
Right then, Father of Babulalhanded over change to him and he moved away feeling sorry to her. He came back atstall after a minute. By then shilpa and chhotu were ready with selectedpotatoes. He weighed them. "35 rupees madadm," said babulal.
Shilpa took 35 rupees from herpurse and without saying anything handed money to babulal. He was watching herfacial expression carefully. He knew that she would have felt his dick at herback. He wanted to know how she felt about it. When she handed him money he deliberatelytouched her fingers and grinned at her.
Without giving any meaning tohis behavior shilpa left the stall. But chhotu was confused why did babulalgrin like that. They purchased few more things and proceeded for home.
Again chhotu was walking fewsteps back from chhoti maalkin. Now he was carrying bag full of vegetables. Ifalone he would have kept his pace slow. But not now. How could he miss thecloser look at jiggling buttocks in front of him? Chhoti maalkin was walkingbriskly. So if he wanted to get closer look at sexy butts of chhoti maalkin hehad to match the pace of her.
Meanwhile shilpa was trying tomake sense out of the babulal behaviour. She was wondering whether what shefelt at her back was his dick or something else. It could be something elsebecause it was so hard like a stick. She had felt roshan's dick back therenumber of times ever since she married. Even with erection it never felt sohard to her. But what else could it be if it wasn't his penis. May be he wascarrying something hard in his pocket which by chance was felt by her. Whateverit was it can't be his dick. She reasoned.
But then why did he comebehind of her, pressing his crotch at her back. Why would he do such thing? Shewas his customer after all. He can't be carrying a hard penis to place at herbehind. And what if he was carrying it? Thinking over this she tried toremember whole scene. She realized that his hardness was pressed against thecrack of her buttocks. It can't be coincidence. Dirty fellow surely dideverything deliberately. And the way he grinned at her confirms that he hadfelt her back with his manhood. This was crazy.
Suddenly she felt wetness inher thighs. The area of her panties covering her pussy lips was drenched in herjuice. She was feeling uncomfortable down there. She wanted to get to home assoon as possible. She started taking big steps.
Chhotu couldn't catch up with her with heavy beg. So he gave up thechase. Any way he could get this opportunity again.
Reaching home shilpa, rushed to the stairs to her bedroom.
"Where is chhotu bahu?" asked savitri devi who was sitting in the drawing room.
"He is coming sasu ma," replied shilpa and went up the stairs.
Getting in the bedroom she closed the door behind her and rushed to the toilet. She changed her wet panties and coming out of toilet fell on the bed. Events of the market were still vivid in her mind. Don't know why, she was still feeling that hardness at her back. One thing was certain; it was something big back there. It was poking right at her crack. She wondered whether he would have stayed longer had she not asked him to get away. This event had sent sexual excitement throughout her body. Thinking about it she went to sleep. It was after 6:30 when she woke up . She took early dinner and went to sleep again. She didnt has much else to do.
Thap...thap...thap... She shuffled across the bed, stretching her arms and legs. Someone was on the door. Slowly she risen from bed and opened the door. Savitri devi was standing there.
"bahu we are going out, we will be back by 7 in the evening. Keep alert. Chhotu will be around if you need anything."
"Okay sasu ma. Don't worry i'll take care."
When shilpa was returning after locking the front door she observed from kitchen window mango tree. Some mangoes hanging from branches were clearly visible. Mango was her favorite. She decided to go for them after breakfast.
This was a big tree. Mangoes were far above her reach. She thought to throw stones to drop them but decided against it. Stones could hurt somebody in the neighborhood. Climbing was an option. She has done it in childhood. It would be fun. There was nobody in the house. She can freely hunt for the mangoes.
But climbing on mango was not an easy task. Its dividing branches began beyond her reach. She tried to jump but couldn't get hold of them. She needed some support.
"chhotu come over here!" she screamed.
Chhotu came running. "ji chhoti maalkin."
"Can you help me climb up there?"
"You want mangoes, chhoti maalkin?"
"Let me bring them for you chhoti maalkin."
"No i want to go up there and pluck mangoes myself."
"But it is dangerous chhoti maalkin. You can hurt yourself."
"dont worry chhotu i have done it before. You just help me climb it. Rest i will see. Come here help me."
"But chhoti maalkin it will be good if you change your saree."
"Oh yes you are right. Bring some stool here. I am coming."
She came back to bedroom and quickly changed into knee length capri and full sleev top.
When she came back to the tree chhotu was ready with the stool. He could not resist glancing at chhoti maalkin. She was looking gorgious in top and capri. Her white calves were shining like gold.
"Hold this stool chhotu," she said.
Chhotu sat down and grabbed the stool. She climbed on it but still branches were away from her reach.
"Oh no...What should we do now."
Chhotu was also puzzled.
"Okay put it away and come here. You have to push me up."
"Me? Chhoti maalkin."
"of course... who else, come on."
Hesitantly chhotu came nearer to chhoti maalkin.
"Bend down here i will use your back as support."
Chhotu bend down. She climbed on his back and grabbed one branch tightly.
"Okay...chhotu push me up now."
Chhotu was in fix. In front of him were nicely shaped buttocks. How could he touch her there?
"Come on chhotu help me out. Push me up."
Chhotu placed his hands on her bums. An electric current rushed through his body. He forgot the purpose behind holding them.
Shilpa did not expect this from chhotu. She thought that he would push her up by legs. But he was holding her buttocks in both of his hands. Moreover he was just holding them. He was not trying to push.
"What are you doing chhotu," she couldn't stop asking.
"s...sorry chhoti maalkin" chhotu said and given her big push. Doing this his thumb went inside her butt crack and hit at her anus.
"aaahh chhotu get away."
Chhotu couldn't understand what went wrong. He was doing as she directed him. But now chhoti maalkin was hanging in the air tightly holding one of the branches.
"Will you help me or not?" she snapped.
"But you said to get away."
"You shouldn't have touch me there you idiot. Push me by my legs."
Chhotu nodded and firmly grabbed her white silky calves. They were so soft, just like cotton. Again he forgot about pushing her. Her softness was turning him mad.
"You idiot...push me now." shilpa shouted.
"ja...ji chhoti maalkin." He pushed her up. Finally she was on this mango tree. When properly balanced she looked down at chhotu and what she observed was enough to raise her heartbeat. There was big tent at the crotch area of chhotu. Anybody could say that there was something big behind that tent. Though she knew that it wouldn't be appropriate to stare at his tent, she couldn't move her eyes away.
Seeing chhoti bahu eyeing his tent chhotu placed both of his hands on his crotch.
Feeling embarrased shilpa shifted her gaze to the hanging mangoes. Her heartbeat was fast. There was strange sensation thruoghout her body.
Meanwhile chhotu was standing down dumbfounded. Chhoti maalkin had seen his hard dick. What would she think of him? He was afraid as well as excited. Wondering why chhoti maalkin stared like that at his crotch, he gave his dick a little push downward to hide it in pyjama. But it wouldn't settle down. It again jumped up to form the big bulge.
Shilpa was watching everything. She was wondering why did he has that bulge after all?. Then she thuoght of her struggle to climb up the tree and in that process him touching and feeling her buttocks and calves. Oh no, he had hard on because of her. Why?
to be continued...
Shilpa looked into chhotu's eyes. She saw shame and embarrassment in there. Ever since she came in this family after marriage she had observed chhotu to be obedient and sincere. But today he had done something weird, something, which was not expected from him. She would talk about it with her mother in law. She didn't say anything to chhotu though.
Chhotu too was feeling bad about the whole incident. He was supposed to help her climb the tree. Instead of doing that he let his lust overpower him and did something which he shouldn't.
Shilpa climbed further upward in a position where bunch of mangoes were in easy access. She plucked ripe ones and said, "Go get some sheet; Ill drop these on it."
Chhotu rushed into the house and came back with cotton sheet. He spread it on the ground below overshadowing branches of the tree. You can drop them now chhoti maalkin. Said chhotu, without looking upward.
Shilpa dropped mangoes on the sheets which she was holding in her hands and went on to pull few more off the tree. She was enjoying this adventure. Back home in the childhood she had ventured number of such adventure. There was similar mango tree at her parents house in the backyard. Along with her brother Mahesh she would climb up the tree and grab some ripe mangoes and eat them right up there sitting on the one of the branches. She loved those old days.
Shilpa was lying on the bed onher side, silent. Tears were falling from her eyes. Her husband roshan whostood beside bed was watching her in despair. He wanted to console her but knewthat she would not listen in this mood. He wished he could postpone his twomonth foreign assignment. This was great opportunity for him. Turning it downcould prove to be disadvantageous for his career in the company. He could notcompromise on his career. He had got this job after a lot of hard work. Now hehad had opportunity to move upward in the hierarchy of company. He must siegethis opportunity. All of those who had done foreign assignment had progressedin the company.
But how could he leave hisbeautiful wife behind. How could he deprive himself from her rosebuds likelips? He was crazy for her beauty. He considered himself lucky for marryingsuch a attractive woman. She was very shy but would respond silently when hetook her trembling lips between his. She would play with his lips hesitantly.Kissing was beautiful game between them. When roshan will move his hands tofondle her soft breasts she would resist at best. But once her soft melons gettrapped in his hands she will moan in ecstasy. oh god Ill miss her badly. He thought.
He climbed on the bed andslowly moved towards shilpa. Placed his hand on her shoulder and turned herover, facing him.
Stop crying my love. I know it will be difficult foryou here without me. You are new in this house and i am going to leave you herein my absence.
You realize this and still want to go. Shilpa saidsobbing.
Yes because I do not have any alternative. I have todo my job darling.
"i know but how can istay here in your absence. At least let me go to my parents." shilparequested.
"Are my parents not yourparents?"
"They are but I am new inthis house. I am still unaware of their likings and disliking. How will I managewhen you gone."
"i understand darling.But my parents want you to stay here with them. They love you honey. And itwouldn't be appropriate for you to stay with your parents for such a long time.You can go for a week or so but you have to stay here. And we have phones. Wewill be in touch. I will be away but always available to help you in need. Andit's matter of two months only. Please try to understand otherwise my careerwill suffer."
Shilpa pondered over it for aminute and then said, "Okay what will you get for me from abroad."
"You tell, what youwant?"
"Um anything you maylike."
"I will buy nice piece ofdesigner bra for your sexy boobs." roshan said cupping her tender breastsin his hands.
"Leave meno....aaahhh" shilpa said pushing his hands away.
But he again captured thethrobbing melons and started kneading them between his fingers.
"What are you doing, dooris" she said loudly.
But ignoring all protests, heinserted his right hand inside her blouse and started feeling her round soft melons. She was breathingheavily now. She had not expected this sudden attack. Effect was obvious onher. Her little pussy lips declared that they are ready to play the game. Shewas feeling wet down in there. Roshan was also feeling the heat. His member washard and solid inside his pants. Roshan reached down and pushed her saree alongwith petticoat upward till it was on her waist. He placed his fingers on thetender cunt, rubbing it gently. Moan of ecstasy escaped from the trembling lipsof shilpa. She tried to cover her naked pussy with both of her hands but Roshanpushed them away. "Not today. I am going today and i want to love you theway i like. Let me see what have you got between your legs."
Shilpa dropped her resistance.
"Oohhh so sweat."Roshan said glancing at the naked hairless, wet pussy of his beautiful wife.
Shilpa covered her facebetween her hands. She had never let him see her private parts so far. Buttoday in the day light she was exposed to his invading eyed. She was feelingembarrassed. But her body was betraying her. Her nipples were hard inexcitement and her pussy was wet in anticipation.
Roshan parted her legs wideand started unzipping his pants. Suddenly they heard footsteps outside theirroom. Shilpa immediately pushed Roshan away and rushed to the bathroom.
It was savitri devi, mother inlaw of shilpa. She had come to remind Roshan that he is getting late forairport. Shilpa came out from toilet after adjusting her hair and cloths andfound her sasu ma talking to roshan.
"sasu ma please take aseat." shilpa said.
Her Sasu ma sat down at thechair and said, "Packing is over?"
"Yes Saasu ma we did itin the morning itself." shilpa said.
"chhotu come overhere." sasu ma called facing the door. Chhotu was servent of the house. Hewas 18 years old. He lived in the small cottage at the back of the house. Hewas working in the family ever since he was 10.
"ji badi maalkin?"said chhotu entering in the room.
"Take this luggage andput them in the taxi." savitri devi said.
Chhotu picked the luggage andwent out of the room. Savitri devi followed chhotu and went out.
Roshan came closer to shilpaand embraced her tightly in his arms .Separation anxiety was written all overtheir faces.
"Take care honey."said roshan and placed his lips on hers.
"I will miss you reallybad." said shilpa.
" I know but dont worryit's matter of only two months."
They stepped out of the roomand proceeded on the stairs downward. In the drawing room along with father inlaw of shilpa pandit ji was sitting on the sofa.
didnt I tell you that youwill go abroad soon." pandit ji said. His name was mohan lal sharma. Hewas clerk in bank. He had deep interest in jyotishi. That is why people used toaddress him pandit ji. Once while seeing the hand of roshan he had pointed outthat he will go to foreign land soon.
Roshan took the blessings ofparents and pandit ji and proceeded to the taxi. Taxi took off to airport andeveryone returned to the drawing room. Shilpa was upset so she left for herbedroom.
Getting into the bedroom shestood silent beside her bed. She imagined how Roshan was loving her few minutesago on the same bed. Rememberingeverything in details her pussy lips got wet. Involuntarily her right hand wentdown between her thighs and caressed the pulsating flesh gently from over thesaree and fell on the bed. But very soon she pulled her hand away. Someone wason the door.
"Shilpa we are going tothe market. Chhotu is here if you need anything." said savitri devi.
"ji ma ji."
When savitri devi left theroom she again buried her hand between her thighs and started massaging burningflesh between her legs. Very soon she reached climax and fell into deep sleep.
In the absence of Roshan, daysseemed Very long to Shilpa. She killed her time watching TV, reading newspaperand magazines. She was seriously getting bored. There was nothing much to do athome. Her father in law shyam parsad gupta suggested that she could join theprivate school as a teacher if she liked. School was at the distance of 50 km.Principle was known to him and school was searching for a good English teacher.Shilpa was m.a English so was suitable for the job. But shilpa was undecided.She could never imagine herself as a teacher. And also she had to teach classfive students. Teaching that age group students is never easy. But she said shewill think about it.
Savitri devi too was concernedabout the loneliness of shilpa. She wanted to give some work to her but therewas nothing she could do.
One day savitri devi asked herto go to vegetable market to buy vegetables along with Chhotu. Usually sheaccompanied Chhotu to the market but that day she was not feeling well. Shilpa readily agreed. She thought it will dosome change to her daily routine.
Vegetable market was atwalking distance from house. Chhotu was carrying a cotton bag for vegetable. Hewas walking right behind her. Ever since chhoti maalkin came into house aftermarriage, for the first time he had got opportunity to be with her.He wasservent so he has to stay back a little from his chhoti maalkin who was walkingbriskly ahead of him.
Though he didn't intended so,his eyes suddenly moved on the back of his Chhoti maalkin. And what he observedwas enough to send electric spark throughout His body. Nice pair of solid bulgingbuttocks were bouncing up and down before his eyes with every forward step ofhis chhoti maalkin. He was trying hard to divert his attention away from thejiggling ass cheeks in front of him, but couldn't help beholding seductively shakingbuttocks of his chhoti maalkin. chhotu had seen back of many women but this onein front of him was different.
Chhotu i don't know muchabout buying Vegetable. You have to help me okay." Shilpa said turning herhead back.
Chhotu immediately pushed hisglare on the other side of the road. His heart was throbbing fast.
"ji Chhoti maalkin"he could only say this much. Did she see him staring at her back? Oh no whatwas he doing?. He should not look his chhoti maalkin in this way. He was servantof the house and should keep respectful behavior towards chhoti maalkin.
After about 15 minutes theywere in the market. It was crowded place. On the both sides of the road werestalls of Vegetable vendors. Men in the crowd were staring at the beautifulwoman who had just entered the market with a boy. Her beautiful face, bigbreasts and solid buttocks were main attraction for the probing eyes.
Shilpa was unaware of thelustful eyes in the crowd measuring her assets. It was her first visit to sucha crowded place. Chhotu was mute spectator waiting for chhoti maalkin to decidea stall for making purchase. She stopped in front of a stall selling potato andchhotu joined her. Vendor knew chhotu as he was regular visitor to the marketalong with savitri devi.
" price bhaiya?"shilpa asked Vendor (whose name was babulal) picking up one potato.
15 rupees kg madam."babulal replied, looking at her bulging breasts. He was trying to size them inhis imagination.
Shilpa who was ignorant aboutbabulal gazing her boobs, said, it is too much for this quality bhaiya."and then leaned towards chhotu and said slowly in his ear, " am i rightchhotu?"
"ji chhoti maalkin youare right. We can get such potato at 10 per kg elsewhere." chhotu saidloud enough so that babulal could also hear him.
Babulal grimaced and said, okaytake it at 10."
Babulal didn't want them toleave the shop. So he agreed at 10 quickly. He was totally lost in the beautyof this woman. He didn't get such opportunity every day. His tool was risingslowly in his pajama.he was searching opportunity to feel this beauty closely.Suddenly he got an idea. He left the stall in the care of his father anddisappeared in the crowd. Shilpa along with chhotu was busy in selectingpotatoes. Babulal was now on the road behind shilpa watching her back. He stoodsilent in the crowded road for a moment. It was not easy to get closer to sucha attractive woman. She could raise a alarm. he took a deep breath and decidedto implement his plan, come what may. He came forward and pressed himselfagainst the back of shilpa who was busy in picking potatoes and said to hisfather, "bapu give change of 100."
Shilpa took it as aunintentional act from the part of Babulal. It was such a crowded place afterall. She kept picking potatoes. But when she felt something hard pressingagainst the crack of her buttocks she panicked. She stopped picking potatoes.She wanted to move from that place. But she had no space to move to. However,she can't let this man behind her like this. His father was taking lot of timein providing change.
"bhaiya please...keep distance." said Shilpa to Babulal.
Right then, Father of Babulalhanded over change to him and he moved away feeling sorry to her. He came back atstall after a minute. By then shilpa and chhotu were ready with selectedpotatoes. He weighed them. "35 rupees madadm," said babulal.
Shilpa took 35 rupees from herpurse and without saying anything handed money to babulal. He was watching herfacial expression carefully. He knew that she would have felt his dick at herback. He wanted to know how she felt about it. When she handed him money he deliberatelytouched her fingers and grinned at her.
Without giving any meaning tohis behavior shilpa left the stall. But chhotu was confused why did babulalgrin like that. They purchased few more things and proceeded for home.
Again chhotu was walking fewsteps back from chhoti maalkin. Now he was carrying bag full of vegetables. Ifalone he would have kept his pace slow. But not now. How could he miss thecloser look at jiggling buttocks in front of him? Chhoti maalkin was walkingbriskly. So if he wanted to get closer look at sexy butts of chhoti maalkin hehad to match the pace of her.
Meanwhile shilpa was trying tomake sense out of the babulal behaviour. She was wondering whether what shefelt at her back was his dick or something else. It could be something elsebecause it was so hard like a stick. She had felt roshan's dick back therenumber of times ever since she married. Even with erection it never felt sohard to her. But what else could it be if it wasn't his penis. May be he wascarrying something hard in his pocket which by chance was felt by her. Whateverit was it can't be his dick. She reasoned.
But then why did he comebehind of her, pressing his crotch at her back. Why would he do such thing? Shewas his customer after all. He can't be carrying a hard penis to place at herbehind. And what if he was carrying it? Thinking over this she tried toremember whole scene. She realized that his hardness was pressed against thecrack of her buttocks. It can't be coincidence. Dirty fellow surely dideverything deliberately. And the way he grinned at her confirms that he hadfelt her back with his manhood. This was crazy.
Suddenly she felt wetness inher thighs. The area of her panties covering her pussy lips was drenched in herjuice. She was feeling uncomfortable down there. She wanted to get to home assoon as possible. She started taking big steps.
Chhotu couldn't catch up with her with heavy beg. So he gave up thechase. Any way he could get this opportunity again.
Reaching home shilpa, rushed to the stairs to her bedroom.
"Where is chhotu bahu?" asked savitri devi who was sitting in the drawing room.
"He is coming sasu ma," replied shilpa and went up the stairs.
Getting in the bedroom she closed the door behind her and rushed to the toilet. She changed her wet panties and coming out of toilet fell on the bed. Events of the market were still vivid in her mind. Don't know why, she was still feeling that hardness at her back. One thing was certain; it was something big back there. It was poking right at her crack. She wondered whether he would have stayed longer had she not asked him to get away. This event had sent sexual excitement throughout her body. Thinking about it she went to sleep. It was after 6:30 when she woke up . She took early dinner and went to sleep again. She didnt has much else to do.
Thap...thap...thap... She shuffled across the bed, stretching her arms and legs. Someone was on the door. Slowly she risen from bed and opened the door. Savitri devi was standing there.
"bahu we are going out, we will be back by 7 in the evening. Keep alert. Chhotu will be around if you need anything."
"Okay sasu ma. Don't worry i'll take care."
When shilpa was returning after locking the front door she observed from kitchen window mango tree. Some mangoes hanging from branches were clearly visible. Mango was her favorite. She decided to go for them after breakfast.
This was a big tree. Mangoes were far above her reach. She thought to throw stones to drop them but decided against it. Stones could hurt somebody in the neighborhood. Climbing was an option. She has done it in childhood. It would be fun. There was nobody in the house. She can freely hunt for the mangoes.
But climbing on mango was not an easy task. Its dividing branches began beyond her reach. She tried to jump but couldn't get hold of them. She needed some support.
"chhotu come over here!" she screamed.
Chhotu came running. "ji chhoti maalkin."
"Can you help me climb up there?"
"You want mangoes, chhoti maalkin?"
"Let me bring them for you chhoti maalkin."
"No i want to go up there and pluck mangoes myself."
"But it is dangerous chhoti maalkin. You can hurt yourself."
"dont worry chhotu i have done it before. You just help me climb it. Rest i will see. Come here help me."
"But chhoti maalkin it will be good if you change your saree."
"Oh yes you are right. Bring some stool here. I am coming."
She came back to bedroom and quickly changed into knee length capri and full sleev top.
When she came back to the tree chhotu was ready with the stool. He could not resist glancing at chhoti maalkin. She was looking gorgious in top and capri. Her white calves were shining like gold.
"Hold this stool chhotu," she said.
Chhotu sat down and grabbed the stool. She climbed on it but still branches were away from her reach.
"Oh no...What should we do now."
Chhotu was also puzzled.
"Okay put it away and come here. You have to push me up."
"Me? Chhoti maalkin."
"of course... who else, come on."
Hesitantly chhotu came nearer to chhoti maalkin.
"Bend down here i will use your back as support."
Chhotu bend down. She climbed on his back and grabbed one branch tightly.
"Okay...chhotu push me up now."
Chhotu was in fix. In front of him were nicely shaped buttocks. How could he touch her there?
"Come on chhotu help me out. Push me up."
Chhotu placed his hands on her bums. An electric current rushed through his body. He forgot the purpose behind holding them.
Shilpa did not expect this from chhotu. She thought that he would push her up by legs. But he was holding her buttocks in both of his hands. Moreover he was just holding them. He was not trying to push.
"What are you doing chhotu," she couldn't stop asking.
"s...sorry chhoti maalkin" chhotu said and given her big push. Doing this his thumb went inside her butt crack and hit at her anus.
"aaahh chhotu get away."
Chhotu couldn't understand what went wrong. He was doing as she directed him. But now chhoti maalkin was hanging in the air tightly holding one of the branches.
"Will you help me or not?" she snapped.
"But you said to get away."
"You shouldn't have touch me there you idiot. Push me by my legs."
Chhotu nodded and firmly grabbed her white silky calves. They were so soft, just like cotton. Again he forgot about pushing her. Her softness was turning him mad.
"You idiot...push me now." shilpa shouted.
"ja...ji chhoti maalkin." He pushed her up. Finally she was on this mango tree. When properly balanced she looked down at chhotu and what she observed was enough to raise her heartbeat. There was big tent at the crotch area of chhotu. Anybody could say that there was something big behind that tent. Though she knew that it wouldn't be appropriate to stare at his tent, she couldn't move her eyes away.
Seeing chhoti bahu eyeing his tent chhotu placed both of his hands on his crotch.
Feeling embarrased shilpa shifted her gaze to the hanging mangoes. Her heartbeat was fast. There was strange sensation thruoghout her body.
Meanwhile chhotu was standing down dumbfounded. Chhoti maalkin had seen his hard dick. What would she think of him? He was afraid as well as excited. Wondering why chhoti maalkin stared like that at his crotch, he gave his dick a little push downward to hide it in pyjama. But it wouldn't settle down. It again jumped up to form the big bulge.
Shilpa was watching everything. She was wondering why did he has that bulge after all?. Then she thuoght of her struggle to climb up the tree and in that process him touching and feeling her buttocks and calves. Oh no, he had hard on because of her. Why?
to be continued...
Shilpa looked into chhotu's eyes. She saw shame and embarrassment in there. Ever since she came in this family after marriage she had observed chhotu to be obedient and sincere. But today he had done something weird, something, which was not expected from him. She would talk about it with her mother in law. She didn't say anything to chhotu though.
Chhotu too was feeling bad about the whole incident. He was supposed to help her climb the tree. Instead of doing that he let his lust overpower him and did something which he shouldn't.
Shilpa climbed further upward in a position where bunch of mangoes were in easy access. She plucked ripe ones and said, "Go get some sheet; Ill drop these on it."
Chhotu rushed into the house and came back with cotton sheet. He spread it on the ground below overshadowing branches of the tree. You can drop them now chhoti maalkin. Said chhotu, without looking upward.
Shilpa dropped mangoes on the sheets which she was holding in her hands and went on to pull few more off the tree. She was enjoying this adventure. Back home in the childhood she had ventured number of such adventure. There was similar mango tree at her parents house in the backyard. Along with her brother Mahesh she would climb up the tree and grab some ripe mangoes and eat them right up there sitting on the one of the branches. She loved those old days.