Dan Kennedy's Magnetic Marketing 2014
English + MP4 + PDF + MP3 + 4.9 GB
This Is The Product That Put Dan Kennedy On The Map, and Has Been Making People Money For Over 22 Years! Sales Page All New And Expanded In 2014 With New Examples And New Templates To Include All Forms Of Media-Including Direct Mail, Internet Marketing, Social Media And More! Magnetic Marketing is for progressive business owners that want top-level incomes without the ulcers and agony "other" business owners have to endure to achieve a modicum of business success. This is the newest, expanded and most comprehensive edition featuring more examples than ever. Not just theory here. The original Magnetic Marketing course was assembled in the mid '70s by GKIC founder Dan Kennedy and was originally called The Small Business Emergency Survival Kit due to economic conditions at the time. It eventually morphed into several editions thereafter and eventually became the Magnetic Marketing System. It's principles and purposes have never changed. Magnetic Marketing transforms the way business owners and sales professionals attract prospects, customers, clients or patients and in return create better, more respectable, more valuable clientele. It cuts out all the fat, waste, and mystery from advertising and provides a simple collection of tools and strategies that are the solid foundation for profitable marketing with profound competitive advantage. Magnetic Marketing Replaces Old-Fashioned, Antiquated Cold Prospecting Drudgery With A System Of Attracting People To You Who Are Predetermined To Value Your Advice And Do Business With You This new edition contains new strategies that have changed over the years, to incorporate new and additional media, and take full advantage of everything Dan Kennedy learns from working with private clients, and we learn from tens of thousands of GKIC members in virtually every kind of business imaginable. Every one of the more than 213 examples and samples are from actual, real life businesses, entrepreneurs and sales professionals that have been proven to attract their ideal customer, clients or patients so you can magnetically attract your own. When that big box containing Magnetic Marketing arrives at your doorstep, you'll be amazed at the power of these unusual yet proven methods to virtually transform businesses and sales careers from struggling or "average" to meteoric growth and extraordinary success at blinding speed. You'll realize all the HOURS of time Magnetic Marketing will save you, along with the days of "false starts" and YEARS of trial, error and testing you won't have to endure. You'll also realize how Magnetic Marketing will give you such an unfair advantage over your competition that are stuck using wasteful traditional advertising methods that are bleeding their ad budgets dry. |