Viewer powershell is the more powerful than DOS. And it also more comprehensive, more access able and user friendly. Have a look to solve the all powershell commands.
An A-Z Index of Windows PowerShell 2.0 commands
Get-Acl Get permission settings for a file or registry key
Set-Acl Set permissions
Active Directory Account, Computer, Group and User cmdlets
Get-Alias gal Return alias names for Cmdlets
Import-Alias ipal Import an alias list from a file
New-Alias nal Create a new alias.
Set-Alias sal Create or change an alias
Get-AuthenticodeSignature Get the signature object associated with a file
Set-AuthenticodeSignature Place a signature in a .ps1 script or other file
Begin Function BEGIN block
BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Service cmdlets
Set-Location cd/chdir/sl Set the current working location
Get-ChildItem dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
Clear-Host clear/cls Clear the screen
Measure-Command Measure running time
Trace-Command Trace an expression or command
Restart-Computer Restart the operating system on a computer
Restore-Computer Restore the computer to a previous state
Stop-Computer Stop (shut down) a computer
Reset-ComputerMachinePassword Reset the machine account password for the computer
Test-ComputerSecureChannel Test and repair the secure channel to the domain
Add-Content ac Add to the content of the item
Get-Content cat/type/gc Get content from item (specific location)
Set-Content sc Set content in the item (specific location)
Clear-Content clc Remove content from a file/item
Get-Command gcm Get basic information about cmdlets
Invoke-Command icm Run command
Enable-ComputerRestore Enable System Restore on a drive
Disable-ComputerRestore Disable System Restore on a drive
Get-ComputerRestorePoint Get the restore points on the local computer
ConvertTo-Xml Convert the input into XML
ConvertFrom-SecureString Convert a secure string into an encrypted standard string
ConvertTo-SecureString Convert an encrypted standard string into a secure string
Copy-Item copy/cp/ci Copy an item from a namespace location
Export-Counter Export Performance Counter data to log files
Get-Counter Get performance counter data
Import-Counter Import performance counter log files
Get-Credential Get a security credential (username/password)
Get-Culture Get region information (language and keyboard layout)
Get-ChildItem Dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
Get-Date Get current date and time
Set-Date Set system time on the host system
Remove-Item Del/erase/rd/rm/rmdir Delete an item
Compare-Object diff/compare Compare the properties of objects
Do Loop while a condition is True
End Function END block
Get-Event Get events in the PowerShell event queue
New-Event Create a new event
Remove-Event Delete events from the event queue
Unregister-Event Cancel an event subscription
Wait-Event Wait until a particular event is raised
Show-EventLog Display an event log
Write-EventLog Write an event to an event log
Get-WinEvent Get event log data (Vista+)
Get-EventSubscriber Get event subscribers
Register-EngineEvent Subscribe to PowerShell events
Register-ObjectEvent Subscribe to .NET events
Register-WmiEvent Subscribe to a WMI event
Get-ExecutionPolicy Get the execution policy for the shell
Set-ExecutionPolicy Change the execution policy (user preference)
ForEach Loop through each item in a collection
For Loop through items that match a condition
Format-Custom fc Format output using a customized view
Format-List fl Format output as a list of properties, each on a new line
Format-Table ft Format output as a table
Format-Wide fw Format output as a table listing one property only
Get-Item gi Get a file/registry object (or any other namespace object)
Get-ChildItem dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
Get-Help help Open the help file
Clear-History clhy Delete entries from the session history
Get-History history/h/ghy Get a listing of the session history
Get-Host Get host information (PowerShell Version and Region)
Clear-Host clear/cls Clear the screen
Read-Host Read a line of input from the host console
Write-Host Write customized output to the host/screen
Get-HotFix Get Installed hotfixes
if Conditionally perform a command
Import-Clixml Import a clixml file and rebuild the PS object
Import-Csv ipcsv Take values from a CSV list and send objects down the pipeline
Get-Item gi Get a file object or get a registry (or other namespace) object
Invoke-Item ii Invoke an executable or open a file (START)
New-Item md/mkdir/ni Create a new item in a namespace
Remove-Item rm/del/erase/rd/ri/rmdir Remove an item
Set-Item si Change the value of an item
Clear-ItemProperty clp Remove the property value from a property
Get-Job gjb Get PowerShell background jobs that are running
Receive-Job rcjb Get PowerShell background job results
Remove-Job rjb Delete a PowerShell background job
Start-Job sajb Start a PowerShell background job
Stop-Job spjb Stop a PowerShell background job
New-JobTrigger Create a new job trigger
Stop-Process kill/spps Stop a running process
Viewer powershell is the more powerful than DOS. And it also more comprehensive, more access able and user friendly. Have a look to solve the all powershell commands.
An A-Z Index of Windows PowerShell 2.0 commands
Get-Acl Get permission settings for a file or registry key
Set-Acl Set permissions
Active Directory Account, Computer, Group and User cmdlets
Get-Alias gal Return alias names for Cmdlets
Import-Alias ipal Import an alias list from a file
New-Alias nal Create a new alias.
Set-Alias sal Create or change an alias
Get-AuthenticodeSignature Get the signature object associated with a file
Set-AuthenticodeSignature Place a signature in a .ps1 script or other file
Begin Function BEGIN block
BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Service cmdlets
Set-Location cd/chdir/sl Set the current working location
Get-ChildItem dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
Clear-Host clear/cls Clear the screen
Measure-Command Measure running time
Trace-Command Trace an expression or command
Restart-Computer Restart the operating system on a computer
Restore-Computer Restore the computer to a previous state
Stop-Computer Stop (shut down) a computer
Reset-ComputerMachinePassword Reset the machine account password for the computer
Test-ComputerSecureChannel Test and repair the secure channel to the domain
Add-Content ac Add to the content of the item
Get-Content cat/type/gc Get content from item (specific location)
Set-Content sc Set content in the item (specific location)
Clear-Content clc Remove content from a file/item
Get-Command gcm Get basic information about cmdlets
Invoke-Command icm Run command
Enable-ComputerRestore Enable System Restore on a drive
Disable-ComputerRestore Disable System Restore on a drive
Get-ComputerRestorePoint Get the restore points on the local computer
ConvertTo-Xml Convert the input into XML
ConvertFrom-SecureString Convert a secure string into an encrypted standard string
ConvertTo-SecureString Convert an encrypted standard string into a secure string
Copy-Item copy/cp/ci Copy an item from a namespace location
Export-Counter Export Performance Counter data to log files
Get-Counter Get performance counter data
Import-Counter Import performance counter log files
Get-Credential Get a security credential (username/password)
Get-Culture Get region information (language and keyboard layout)
Get-ChildItem Dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
Get-Date Get current date and time
Set-Date Set system time on the host system
Remove-Item Del/erase/rd/rm/rmdir Delete an item
Compare-Object diff/compare Compare the properties of objects
Do Loop while a condition is True
End Function END block
Get-Event Get events in the PowerShell event queue
New-Event Create a new event
Remove-Event Delete events from the event queue
Unregister-Event Cancel an event subscription
Wait-Event Wait until a particular event is raised
Show-EventLog Display an event log
Write-EventLog Write an event to an event log
Get-WinEvent Get event log data (Vista+)
Get-EventSubscriber Get event subscribers
Register-EngineEvent Subscribe to PowerShell events
Register-ObjectEvent Subscribe to .NET events
Register-WmiEvent Subscribe to a WMI event
Get-ExecutionPolicy Get the execution policy for the shell
Set-ExecutionPolicy Change the execution policy (user preference)
ForEach Loop through each item in a collection
For Loop through items that match a condition
Format-Custom fc Format output using a customized view
Format-List fl Format output as a list of properties, each on a new line
Format-Table ft Format output as a table
Format-Wide fw Format output as a table listing one property only
Get-Item gi Get a file/registry object (or any other namespace object)
Get-ChildItem dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
Get-Help help Open the help file
Clear-History clhy Delete entries from the session history
Get-History history/h/ghy Get a listing of the session history
Get-Host Get host information (PowerShell Version and Region)
Clear-Host clear/cls Clear the screen
Read-Host Read a line of input from the host console
Write-Host Write customized output to the host/screen
Get-HotFix Get Installed hotfixes
if Conditionally perform a command
Import-Clixml Import a clixml file and rebuild the PS object
Import-Csv ipcsv Take values from a CSV list and send objects down the pipeline
Get-Item gi Get a file object or get a registry (or other namespace) object
Invoke-Item ii Invoke an executable or open a file (START)
New-Item md/mkdir/ni Create a new item in a namespace
Remove-Item rm/del/erase/rd/ri/rmdir Remove an item
Set-Item si Change the value of an item
Clear-ItemProperty clp Remove the property value from a property
Get-Job gjb Get PowerShell background jobs that are running
Receive-Job rcjb Get PowerShell background job results
Remove-Job rjb Delete a PowerShell background job
Start-Job sajb Start a PowerShell background job
Stop-Job spjb Stop a PowerShell background job
New-JobTrigger Create a new job trigger
Stop-Process kill/spps Stop a running process